Business-VPN-Router with IEEE 802.11n High-Speed *** to 300 Mbps gross with the WLAN standard IEEE 802.11n Secure WLAN compliant with IEEE 802.11i (WPA2/ AES) and Multi-SSID. One internal, two external 3 dBi dualband antennas. Five IPSec VPN channels integrated, extendible to 25, integrated VPN hardware acceleration. Stateful inspection firewall with intrusion detection/denial-of-service protection. Load balancing with up to four WAN connections. Four separable Fast Ethernet switch ports. ISDN interface for remote access, remote maintenance......
Outdoor 3G router for mobile broadband connectivity under extreme conditions. High-performance Internet access for stationary and temporary outdoor applications via HSPA+ (UMTS/EDGE/GPRS. GPS positioning secures the device even for mobile applications * IP-66 housing and extended temperature range from -33° C to +70° C . VPN site-to-site connectivity with 5 simultaneous IPSec VPN channels (25 channels optional). IPSec-over-HTTPS for secure VPN connections via cellular networks. For highest performance networks: QoS, VLAN, support for up to......
Senao EOC5611P Outdoor Device Long Range Wireless 802.11a/b/g Outdoor Device Client Bridge / Access Point / Client Router / WDS EOC5611P is a long range outdoor wireless Access Point / Client Bridge that operates in both 5GHz and 2.4GHz frequency. It provides high bandwidth up to 54Mbps and features dual polarization antenna with high transmitted output power as well as superior sensitivity. EOC5611P extends radio coverage, avoids unnecessary roaming between Access Points and ensures a stable wireless connection while reduces the number of......
Cascadable Unicable ***.: telefon; E-MAIL : email; Persoana de contact: SUCIU GEORGE. Web: ***/Network-Equipment/*** ...
Modul radio de comutare FSM12, plugin pentru detectorul radio de fum RA 350 F. Modul radio de interfata, transmitter si receiver pentru 12-24 V DC. Iesirea releului: changer, maxim 1A/ 24 V DC Intrare: Conectare la masa Interfata pe 2 fire la RA300i 16 Canale radio Date tehnice Tansmitere radio : 434,33 Mhz Codarea radio: 16 posibilitati (cod „0” cu prioritate) Numar de aparate conectate: nelimitate, in interiorul razei de actiune Raza de actiune: pana la 100m in aer liber, depinde de cladiri si transmiterea radio din locatia respectiva......
Telecomanda radio ( transmitter portabil) FS20 S4
Telecomanda compacta tip breloc cu 4 taste. Telecomanda FS20 S4 este un transmitter portabil tip breloc pentru controlul a 2/4 functii ale sistemului radio FS20 ( control, luminozitate,functii spaciale ca programare sau adresare, 2 functii pornit/oprit fiecare cu o pereche de taste sau 4 functii cu cate o tasta fiecare). Dimensiuni (B x H x T): 41 x 11 x 52 mm Categorie: transmitter portabil Canale: 2/4 Frecventa: 868,35 MHz Raza de actiune:pana la 100m camp Grad de protectie IP:IP 20 Baterie: 1 x CR2016 Tensiune de alimentare: 3 V......
MultiSWITCH - Softswitch Class 4 & Class 5
Topex multiSwitch is situated in the center of the Topex Next Generation Networks architecture. It is a carrier-grade softswitch solution that provides call-control, multiple services and multiple types of signalling. It features Class 4 and Class 5 telecom services over an IP-based infrastructure. ...
Topex VoiBridge is a GSM/UMTS small capacity gateway with VoIP or PRI interfaces. Its main functionality is to interconnect VoIP or PSTN networks with mobile *** Topex VoiBridge you make significant savings on calls from IP or PSTN to cellular networks and backwards. ...
Efectuez transport de mobila, marfa, bagaje, materiale de constuctii, mutari mobilier in Bucuresti cat si in tara la preturi convenabile si negociabile inclusiv sambata si duminica.Transport orice oriunde oricand pentru oricine,emitem factura....
Transport mobila,materiale de constructii,bagaje,obiecte *** din Bucuresti catre orice colt al tarii si invers la preturi fara concurenta cu autoutilitare Ford Transit Jumbo.Transportam pentru oricine,PRETURI DE CRIZA!!! telefon sau ***...
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